Goodbye, beautiful fall leaves. You have graced my house with beautiful color and much needed shade.
Goodbye, flatleaf parsley....
Goodbye little rosebud....
Things that were accomplished this year: Chicken keeping comes to mind. Having a water well drilled. Remodeling the back side of the house....changed location of the back door:
Took out three sets of sliding glass doors and put in a french door:
A new wall in place of the third sliding glass door:The new HVAC unit that had to be installed in the hottest week of this past summer:
But I'm not through with this year, just because the weather is worsening and the nights are longer. I have a lot to look forward to. I'm going to have grandchicks! Probably in just a couple of weeks, too. The little hen has gone in to her 'trance' and if concentration and focus can hatch eggs, then she is a champ!
Proud Papa and Little Sister:I hope the chicks make it through the winter....Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!